TOMORROW is a professional company that provides Japanese-style services regarding Malaysian real estate investment, sales, rental, interior decoration, management, and operation. TOMORROW will fully support Malaysian company establishment, operation support, and tax consulting.

A company specializing in Malaysian real estate investment, sales, rental, interior design, and management.


Property Maintenance

Free yourself from real estate related worries!

With one phone call, TOMO-chan will be there for you!

Private Lodging Management

Now Accepting Inquiries!!

We are always waiting for you.

Inflow of Middle Eastern money and Chinese money

イスラム教徒が多いマレーシアは、イスラム法に則って発行されるスクーク債(イスラム債)で世界シェアの半分以上を占めるなど、イスラム金融における中心的な地位を築いており、潤沢な中東のオイルマネーが流入してきています。また、シンガポール同様、総人口のうち中国系が占める割合が比較的高く、華僑ネットワークが存在するマレーシアは、Chinese money sweeping the worldのひとつとなっています。伝統的に不動産熱の高い中国ですが、近年は国内不動産価格の高騰を受けて、政府が投機抑制策に本腰を入れていることから、海外の不動産市場に投資先を求める傾向は強まってきています。そうした中、Malaysia is the only country in Southeast Asia where even foreigners residing abroad can register as many condominiums and detached houses with land under their own name.Therefore, it is one of the most popular investment destinations for Chinese people.

In addition, while real estate prices in areas that have long been popular with Chinese people, such as Hong Kong, Singapore, and Australia, are extremely expensive, Malaysia is also popular because it can be purchased at relatively affordable prices even in central areas. It is thought that it is pushing.
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