TOMORROW is a professional company that provides Japanese-style services regarding Malaysian real estate investment, sales, rental, interior decoration, management, and operation. TOMORROW will fully support Malaysian company establishment, operation support, and tax consulting.

A company specializing in Malaysian real estate investment, sales, rental, interior design, and management.


Property Maintenance

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With one phone call, TOMO-chan will be there for you!

Private Lodging Management

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Asia's Leading Powerhouse of Resorts and Gourmets

Malaysia, which has been selected as the "world's No. 1 country where Japanese people want to live" for 14 consecutive years (2006-2019), is one of Asia's leading resort areas with Penang Island, Langkawi Island, Cameron Highlands, etc. In addition to authentic Malay cuisine, it is also a gourmet powerhouse where you can enjoy cuisines from all over the world, such as Chinese and Indian cuisines.
Malaysia is also known as “golf paradise”. Although there are differences in rankYou can enjoy golf all year round with low green fees in the everlasting summer climate and rich nature.And that is why some people decide to emigrate. Among them, there are properties with golf memberships and condominiums where you can overlook the golf course from the room.
Malaysia, surrounded by beautiful sea and rich nature,Loved by travelers around the world as one of Asia's leading resort nations. There are many attractive resort areas in Japan, such as Penang Island, which is called the "Pearl of the Orient," Langkawi Island, which is called the "Legendary Island," and Borneo Island, where tarsier monkeys and orangutans live.
Malaysia is a multi-ethnic country made up of Malays, Chinese, Indians, etc. At the same time, it has inherited the traditional food culture of these ethnic groups. Chinese-style cuisine) can be tasted at a variety of shops, from food stalls to high-end restaurants. There are also restaurants serving dishes from around the world, such as French, Italian, Japanese, and Thai, so you can choose a restaurant according to your purpose and mood.
There are no cedars or cypresses in Malaysia, so it is comfortable even during the hay fever It is a recommended lifestyle to stay in Malaysia for a long time from February to March every year to escape from hay fever that has been plagued.
in Malaysia,Use maid service at a low price in Japan, where the threshold is highYou can make your lifestyle more fulfilling. It is possible to hire a maid for a few hours a day, 2-3 times a week for around 10,000 yen per month, and many long-term foreign residents also hire maids. In addition, condominiums with a certain size have a room for maids, so it is possible to have them live and work.
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