TOMORROW is a professional company that provides Japanese-style services regarding Malaysian real estate investment, sales, rental, interior decoration, management, and operation. TOMORROW will fully support Malaysian company establishment, operation support, and tax consulting.

A company specializing in Malaysian real estate investment, sales, rental, interior design, and management.


Property Maintenance

Free yourself from real estate related worries!

With one phone call, TOMO-chan will be there for you!

Private Lodging Management

Now Accepting Inquiries!!

We are always waiting for you.

Malaysia as the best immigration country

Located on the Malay Peninsula in Southeast Asia, Malaysia is an Islamic country, but it is also one of the most tolerant and multi-ethnic Islamic countries in the world. Rich in nature and natural resources, it is famous for its pro-Japanese people. For the 13th consecutive year, Japan has been ranked first as a country where Japanese people want to immigrate.
Country name Malaysia
capital Kuala Lumpur
national flag 左上はイスラム教の象徴である月と星を表し、赤と白の線はマレー シアの13の州と、首都のクアラルン プールを表現している。
area 約33万km²(日本の約90%)
population Approximately 32.7 million (2020)
language The national language is Malay, and other languages are English, Chinese, and Hindi.
government 立憲君主制(議会制民主主義)
ethnic composition Malay 67%, Chinese 25%, Indian 7%, others 1%
religion 国教はイスラム教。ほかに仏教、ヒンドゥー教、キリスト教など
GDP 364.7 billion USD (2019)
Since Malaysia gained independence from the United Kingdom in 1963, it has continued to see double growth in population and GDP.
The pyramid-shaped population structure also symbolizes Malaysia's future potential.

Malacca, an ancient city registered as a World Heritage Site, is located 130 kilometers south of Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia, and takes about two hours by car. It is characterized by a mixture of the West and the East that still retains the influence of 16th-century Holland, 17th-century Portugal, and 18th-century British colonial times. Enjoy riverside walks, sunsets at mosques floating in the Straits of Malacca, and local colonial cuisine to Asian immigrant cuisine. The planned Malaysia-Singapore Shinkansen is also scheduled to pass through.


George Town in Penang, which is familiar to the Japanese, came under British rule in the latter half of the 18th century. It was registered as a World Heritage Site in recognition of its cultural society.


Kinabalu Nature Park is centered on Mt. Kinabalu at an altitude of 4100m. As the altitude increases, the flora changes from tropical rainforest jungle to coniferous trees and alpine plants, and a wide variety of animals breed according to the environment. Masu.

マレーシアは一年を通して暖かく、ゴルフ場も多いので一般的に「ゴルフ天国」と言われています。 マレーシア全国に200以上の素晴らしいゴルフコースがございます。レベルは庶民レベルから国際大会レベルまで備えてあり、地形に応じたスタイルも様々、高原スタイル、海岸沿いスタイル、熱帯島スタイル、熱帯雨林地形など沢山あります。併設のリゾート施設を利用して、ご家族との旅行を楽しみながら、素晴らしい海外ゴルフ体験もできます。
In addition, there is an apartment with a golf course and a Japanese school, so you can live overseas with peace of mind while retiring and raising children.
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