TOMORROW is a professional company that provides Japanese-style services regarding Malaysian real estate investment, sales, rental, interior decoration, management, and operation. TOMORROW will fully support Malaysian company establishment, operation support, and tax consulting.

A company specializing in Malaysian real estate investment, sales, rental, interior design, and management.


Useful Information About Purchasing

Sale Filter: RM 1,000,000 - RM 1,999,999

ザ・ミューズ 2+1LDK

(The Mews KLCC )

Type Apartment
Malaysia エリア Kuala Lumpur
Developer E&O Berhad and Mitsui Fudosan Residential
Location The Mews KLCC, 19, Jalan Yap Kwan Seng, Kampung Baru, 50450 Kuala Lumpur, Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur
Basic Information The Mews は、38階建てのツインタワー に256戸の特別設計ユニット を備えた独創的な高級レジデンスです。 頂上のダブル「V」字型デザインが特徴で、クアラルンプール都心の新たなランドマーク となっています。
Type C2+1LDK5,715万円RM1,680,000136m²
*Actual prices may vary depending on the number of floors and other conditions. Please inquire about availability.


(Horizon Residence)

Horizon Residences type B6 living room view
Type Condo (Luxury Apartment)
Malaysia エリア Kuala Lumpur
Developer Hap Seng Land
Location Kuala Lumpur, Jalan Tun Razak
Basic Information 335 units in total (27 stories)
Type B62LDK (2BATH)4,385万円RM 1,250,000100m²
*Actual prices may vary depending on the number of floors and other conditions. Please inquire about availability.

Face Platinum Suite

(Face Platinum Suite)

Face Platinum Suite type C2 dining area view
Type Apartment
Malaysia エリア Kuala Lumpur
Developer Platinum Victory
Location 1020, Jln Sultan Ismail, 50250 Kuala Lumpur
Basic Information 総戸数733戸 (51階建て)
タイプC21LDK4,000万円RM 1,200,00079m²
*Actual prices may vary depending on the number of floors and other conditions. Please inquire about availability.

Relaxing house in Kamakurayama, Japan

(「Japan」"The Relaxing House Nestled in Kamakura Hill)

Type 一軒家
JP エリア 鎌倉
Developer 注文住宅
Location Kanagawa Prefecture, Kamakura City, Kamakurayama
Basic Information 軽量鉄骨. 湘南モノレール「西鎌倉」駅より徒歩20分,
*Actual prices may vary depending on the number of floors and other conditions. Please inquire about availability.

Banyan Tree Residence

(Banyan Tree Residences)

Banyan Tree Residence type D2 living room view
Type Apartment
Malaysia エリア Kuala Lumpur
Developer Banyan Group
Location 2, Jalan Conlay, 50450 Kuala Lumpur
Basic Information 総戸数441戸 (52階建て)
タイプD22LDK6,604万円RM 1,980,000100m²
*Actual prices may vary depending on the number of floors and other conditions. Please inquire about availability.

TRX Residences


Artist illustration of TRX Residence building
Type Condominium
Malaysia エリア Kuala Lumpur
Developer Lendlease Corporation
Location Jalan Utara, Tun Razak Exchange, 55188 Kuala Lumpur
Basic Information Total number of units: 896 (57 stories)
type 43+2LDK9,088万円RM 2,908,000110m²
type 43+2LDK8,803万円RM 2,817,000110m²
Type 5A3+2LDK8,550万円RM 2,736,000117m²
type 53+2LDK6,691万円RM 2,141,000113m²
type 32+1LDK6,416万円RM 2,053,00079m²
type 32+1LDK6,200万円RM 1,984,00079m²
type 32+1LDK5,994万円RM 1,918,00079m²
Type 2A1LDK5,447万円RM 1,743,00065m²
Type 2A1LDK4,853万円RM 1,553,00065m²
Type 2A1LDK4,825万円RM 1,544,00065m²
*Actual prices may vary depending on the number of floors and other conditions. Please inquire about availability.

Four Seasons Private Residences


Four Seasons Type C1 living room view
Type Condominium
Malaysia エリア Kuala Lumpur
Developer Venus Assets Sdn. Bhd.
Location 145, Jalan Ampang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur
Basic Information Total number of units: 240 units (65 floors)
Type C13LDK17,813万円RM5,700,000211m²
*Actual prices may vary depending on the number of floors and other conditions. Please inquire about availability.

The Ritz-Carlton Residences KL

(The Ritz-Carlton Residences KL)

Artist illustration of The Ritz-Carlton Residences building
Type Condominium
Malaysia エリア Kuala Lumpur
Developer Berjaya Corporation Berhad
Location 105, Jalan Ampang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur
Basic Information Total number of units: 288 units (48 floors)
Type H3LDK19,438万円RM 6,220,000199m²
Type E2LDK18,869万円RM 6,038,000180m²
Type A2LDK14,975万円RM 4,792,000152m²
Type D2LDK14,881万円RM 4,762,000146m²
Type G1+1LDK13,653万円RM 4,369,000140m²
Type F1+1LDK12,884万円RM 4,123,000132m²
Type B1LDK11,575万円RM 3,704,000108m²
Type C1LDK10,309万円RM 3,299,00095m²
*Actual prices may vary depending on the number of floors and other conditions. Please inquire about availability.

Core Residence

(Core Residence)

Artist illustration of Core Residences building
Type Condominium
Malaysia エリア Kuala Lumpur
Developer CORE Precious Development Sdn. Bhd.
Location Persiaran TRX 2, TRX, 55188 Kuala Lumpur
Basic Information 580 units in total (50 stories)
Type B22LDK5,131万円RM 1,641,980.1278m²
Type B12LDK5,036万円RM 1,611,598.0476m²
Type A21+1LDK4,516万円RM 1,445,139.6864m²
Type A1 (T2)1LDK3,918万円RM1,253,857.8858m²
*Actual prices may vary depending on the number of floors and other conditions. Please inquire about availability.

Swnk Houze

(SWNK Houze)

View of SWNK Houze building
Type Condominium
Malaysia エリア Kuala Lumpur
Developer Eco World, UDA Holdings & EPF
Location Bukit Bintang City Centre, Pudu, 55100 Kuala Lumpur
Basic Information Total number of units: 441 units (30 stories)
Type D2LDK4,181万円RM 1,338,00076m²
Type C1+1LDK3,109万円RM995,00061m²
*Actual prices may vary depending on the number of floors and other conditions. Please inquire about availability.

The Conlay

(The Conlay)

Artist illustration of Conlay building
Type Condominium
Malaysia エリア Kuala Lumpur
Developer E&O Berhad, Mitsui Fudosan Group
Location Jalan Conlay, 50450 Kuala Lumpur
Basic Information Total number of units: 491 units (51 floors)
Type D2+1LDK8,469万円RM 2,710,000124m²
Type A1LDK4,575万円RM 1,464,00068m²
*Actual prices may vary depending on the number of floors and other conditions. Please inquire about availability.

(24% Yield Reduction) Isola KLCC

(Isola KLCC)

Artist illustration of Isola KLCC building
Type Condominium
Malaysia エリア Kuala Lumpur
Developer O&C Makok Isola Sdn Bhd
Location 23, Jalan Yap Kwan Seng, 50350 Kuala Lumpur
Basic Information 140 units in total (52 floors)
Type B2LDK7,930万円RM 2,537,600100m²
Type C2LDK6,700万円RM 2,144,00084m²
Type D1LDK5,800万円RM 1,856,00071m²
*Actual prices may vary depending on the number of floors and other conditions. Please inquire about availability.

Aria Residence

(Aria Luxury Residence)

Artist illustration of Aria Luxury Residences
Type Luxury Apartment
Malaysia エリア Kuala Lumpur
Developer Hap Seng Land
Location Jalan Tun Razak, 50450 Kuala Lumpur
Basic Information 598 units in total (45 floors)
Type B22LDK6,300万円RM 2,016,00092m²
*Actual prices may vary depending on the number of floors and other conditions. Please inquire about availability.

Eaton Residence

(Eaton Residence)

Artist illustration of Eaton Residences building
Type Luxury Apartment
Malaysia エリア Kuala Lumpur
Developer City View Ventures (GSH Corporation)
Location 26, Jalan Kia Peng, 50450 Kuala Lumpur
Basic Information 632 units in total (52 floors)
Type B31+1LDK5,170万円RM 1,654,40076m²
*Actual prices may vary depending on the number of floors and other conditions. Please inquire about availability.

[110% Guarantee ROI] Coco Villas

(Coco Villas)

Coco Villas Bali
Type Villa
Indonesia エリア バリ
Developer PT Idea Konstruksi Bali
Location Jl. Umalalang, Cemagi, Bali, Indonesia
Basic Information Consists of 3 types of villas (1LDK, 2LDK & 3LDK)
Coco 113LDK7,675万円525,910USD200m²
Coco 92LDK6,294万円431,270USD172m²
Coco 82LDK5,950万円407,680USD156m²
Coco 2-61LDK3,743万円256,480USD108m²
*Actual prices may vary depending on the number of floors and other conditions. Please inquire about availability.

Somerset KL Metropolis

(Somerset KL Metropolis)

Type Serviced Apartment (Pre-built)
Malaysia エリア Kuala Lumpur
Developer NAZA TTDI Sdn. Bhd.
Location Jalan Boulevard, KL Metropolis, 50480 Kuala Lumpur
Basic Information 262 units in total (30 stories)
Type A1LDK3,015万円RM964,80051m²
*Actual prices may vary depending on the number of floors and other conditions. Please inquire about availability.


(Novo Reserve Ampang)

Artist illustration of Novo Reserve Ampang
Type Condominium (Pre-built)
Malaysia エリア Kuala Lumpur
Developer Alfranko Development Sdn Bhd
Location 317, Jalan Ampang, 55000 Kuala Lumpur
Basic Information 395 units in total (38 stories)
Type A82LDK6,169万円RM1,974,000109m²
Type A1LDK3,367万円RM1,077,44064m²
*Actual prices may vary depending on the number of floors and other conditions. Please inquire about availability.

ザ・ミューズ 2+1LDK

(The Mews KLCC )

Type Apartment
Malaysia エリア Kuala Lumpur
Developer E&O Berhad and Mitsui Fudosan Residential
Location The Mews KLCC, 19, Jalan Yap Kwan Seng, Kampung Baru, 50450 Kuala Lumpur, Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur
Basic Information The Mews は、38階建てのツインタワー に256戸の特別設計ユニット を備えた独創的な高級レジデンスです。 頂上のダブル「V」字型デザインが特徴で、クアラルンプール都心の新たなランドマーク となっています。
Type C2+1LDK5,715万円RM1,680,000136m²
*Actual prices may vary depending on the number of floors and other conditions. Please inquire about availability.


(Horizon Residence)

Horizon Residences type B6 living room view
Type Condo (Luxury Apartment)
Malaysia エリア Kuala Lumpur
Developer Hap Seng Land
Location Kuala Lumpur, Jalan Tun Razak
Basic Information 335 units in total (27 stories)
Type B62LDK (2BATH)4,385万円RM 1,250,000100m²
*Actual prices may vary depending on the number of floors and other conditions. Please inquire about availability.

Face Platinum Suite

(Face Platinum Suite)

Face Platinum Suite type C2 dining area view
Type Apartment
Malaysia エリア Kuala Lumpur
Developer Platinum Victory
Location 1020, Jln Sultan Ismail, 50250 Kuala Lumpur
Basic Information 総戸数733戸 (51階建て)
タイプC21LDK4,000万円RM 1,200,00079m²
*Actual prices may vary depending on the number of floors and other conditions. Please inquire about availability.

Relaxing house in Kamakurayama, Japan

(「Japan」"The Relaxing House Nestled in Kamakura Hill)

Type 一軒家
JP エリア 鎌倉
Developer 注文住宅
Location Kanagawa Prefecture, Kamakura City, Kamakurayama
Basic Information 軽量鉄骨. 湘南モノレール「西鎌倉」駅より徒歩20分,
*Actual prices may vary depending on the number of floors and other conditions. Please inquire about availability.

Banyan Tree Residence

(Banyan Tree Residences)

Banyan Tree Residence type D2 living room view
Type Apartment
Malaysia エリア Kuala Lumpur
Developer Banyan Group
Location 2, Jalan Conlay, 50450 Kuala Lumpur
Basic Information 総戸数441戸 (52階建て)
タイプD22LDK6,604万円RM 1,980,000100m²
*Actual prices may vary depending on the number of floors and other conditions. Please inquire about availability.

TRX Residences


Artist illustration of TRX Residence building
Type Condominium
Malaysia エリア Kuala Lumpur
Developer Lendlease Corporation
Location Jalan Utara, Tun Razak Exchange, 55188 Kuala Lumpur
Basic Information Total number of units: 896 (57 stories)
type 43+2LDK9,088万円RM 2,908,000110m²
type 43+2LDK8,803万円RM 2,817,000110m²
Type 5A3+2LDK8,550万円RM 2,736,000117m²
type 53+2LDK6,691万円RM 2,141,000113m²
type 32+1LDK6,416万円RM 2,053,00079m²
type 32+1LDK6,200万円RM 1,984,00079m²
type 32+1LDK5,994万円RM 1,918,00079m²
Type 2A1LDK5,447万円RM 1,743,00065m²
Type 2A1LDK4,853万円RM 1,553,00065m²
Type 2A1LDK4,825万円RM 1,544,00065m²
*Actual prices may vary depending on the number of floors and other conditions. Please inquire about availability.

Four Seasons Private Residences


Four Seasons Type C1 living room view
Type Condominium
Malaysia エリア Kuala Lumpur
Developer Venus Assets Sdn. Bhd.
Location 145, Jalan Ampang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur
Basic Information Total number of units: 240 units (65 floors)
Type C13LDK17,813万円RM5,700,000211m²
*Actual prices may vary depending on the number of floors and other conditions. Please inquire about availability.

The Ritz-Carlton Residences KL

(The Ritz-Carlton Residences KL)

Artist illustration of The Ritz-Carlton Residences building
Type Condominium
Malaysia エリア Kuala Lumpur
Developer Berjaya Corporation Berhad
Location 105, Jalan Ampang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur
Basic Information Total number of units: 288 units (48 floors)
Type H3LDK19,438万円RM 6,220,000199m²
Type E2LDK18,869万円RM 6,038,000180m²
Type A2LDK14,975万円RM 4,792,000152m²
Type D2LDK14,881万円RM 4,762,000146m²
Type G1+1LDK13,653万円RM 4,369,000140m²
Type F1+1LDK12,884万円RM 4,123,000132m²
Type B1LDK11,575万円RM 3,704,000108m²
Type C1LDK10,309万円RM 3,299,00095m²
*Actual prices may vary depending on the number of floors and other conditions. Please inquire about availability.

Core Residence

(Core Residence)

Artist illustration of Core Residences building
Type Condominium
Malaysia エリア Kuala Lumpur
Developer CORE Precious Development Sdn. Bhd.
Location Persiaran TRX 2, TRX, 55188 Kuala Lumpur
Basic Information 580 units in total (50 stories)
Type B22LDK5,131万円RM 1,641,980.1278m²
Type B12LDK5,036万円RM 1,611,598.0476m²
Type A21+1LDK4,516万円RM 1,445,139.6864m²
Type A1 (T2)1LDK3,918万円RM1,253,857.8858m²
*Actual prices may vary depending on the number of floors and other conditions. Please inquire about availability.

Swnk Houze

(SWNK Houze)

View of SWNK Houze building
Type Condominium
Malaysia エリア Kuala Lumpur
Developer Eco World, UDA Holdings & EPF
Location Bukit Bintang City Centre, Pudu, 55100 Kuala Lumpur
Basic Information Total number of units: 441 units (30 stories)
Type D2LDK4,181万円RM 1,338,00076m²
Type C1+1LDK3,109万円RM995,00061m²
*Actual prices may vary depending on the number of floors and other conditions. Please inquire about availability.

The Conlay

(The Conlay)

Artist illustration of Conlay building
Type Condominium
Malaysia エリア Kuala Lumpur
Developer E&O Berhad, Mitsui Fudosan Group
Location Jalan Conlay, 50450 Kuala Lumpur
Basic Information Total number of units: 491 units (51 floors)
Type D2+1LDK8,469万円RM 2,710,000124m²
Type A1LDK4,575万円RM 1,464,00068m²
*Actual prices may vary depending on the number of floors and other conditions. Please inquire about availability.

(24% Yield Reduction) Isola KLCC

(Isola KLCC)

Artist illustration of Isola KLCC building
Type Condominium
Malaysia エリア Kuala Lumpur
Developer O&C Makok Isola Sdn Bhd
Location 23, Jalan Yap Kwan Seng, 50350 Kuala Lumpur
Basic Information 140 units in total (52 floors)
Type B2LDK7,930万円RM 2,537,600100m²
Type C2LDK6,700万円RM 2,144,00084m²
Type D1LDK5,800万円RM 1,856,00071m²
*Actual prices may vary depending on the number of floors and other conditions. Please inquire about availability.

Aria Residence

(Aria Luxury Residence)

Artist illustration of Aria Luxury Residences
Type Luxury Apartment
Malaysia エリア Kuala Lumpur
Developer Hap Seng Land
Location Jalan Tun Razak, 50450 Kuala Lumpur
Basic Information 598 units in total (45 floors)
Type B22LDK6,300万円RM 2,016,00092m²
*Actual prices may vary depending on the number of floors and other conditions. Please inquire about availability.

Eaton Residence

(Eaton Residence)

Artist illustration of Eaton Residences building
Type Luxury Apartment
Malaysia エリア Kuala Lumpur
Developer City View Ventures (GSH Corporation)
Location 26, Jalan Kia Peng, 50450 Kuala Lumpur
Basic Information 632 units in total (52 floors)
Type B31+1LDK5,170万円RM 1,654,40076m²
*Actual prices may vary depending on the number of floors and other conditions. Please inquire about availability.

[110% Guarantee ROI] Coco Villas

(Coco Villas)

Coco Villas Bali
Type Villa
Indonesia エリア バリ
Developer PT Idea Konstruksi Bali
Location Jl. Umalalang, Cemagi, Bali, Indonesia
Basic Information Consists of 3 types of villas (1LDK, 2LDK & 3LDK)
Coco 113LDK7,675万円525,910USD200m²
Coco 92LDK6,294万円431,270USD172m²
Coco 82LDK5,950万円407,680USD156m²
Coco 2-61LDK3,743万円256,480USD108m²
*Actual prices may vary depending on the number of floors and other conditions. Please inquire about availability.

Somerset KL Metropolis

(Somerset KL Metropolis)

Type Serviced Apartment (Pre-built)
Malaysia エリア Kuala Lumpur
Developer NAZA TTDI Sdn. Bhd.
Location Jalan Boulevard, KL Metropolis, 50480 Kuala Lumpur
Basic Information 262 units in total (30 stories)
Type A1LDK3,015万円RM964,80051m²
*Actual prices may vary depending on the number of floors and other conditions. Please inquire about availability.


(Novo Reserve Ampang)

Artist illustration of Novo Reserve Ampang
Type Condominium (Pre-built)
Malaysia エリア Kuala Lumpur
Developer Alfranko Development Sdn Bhd
Location 317, Jalan Ampang, 55000 Kuala Lumpur
Basic Information 395 units in total (38 stories)
Type A82LDK6,169万円RM1,974,000109m²
Type A1LDK3,367万円RM1,077,44064m²
*Actual prices may vary depending on the number of floors and other conditions. Please inquire about availability.
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