TOMORROW is a professional company that provides Japanese-style services regarding Malaysian real estate investment, sales, rental, interior decoration, management, and operation. TOMORROW will fully support Malaysian company establishment, operation support, and tax consulting.

A company specializing in Malaysian real estate investment, sales, rental, interior design, and management.


Useful Information About Purchasing

[110% Guarantee ROI] Coco Villas

(Coco Villas)

Coco Villas Bali
Type Villa
Indonesia エリア バリ
Developer PT Idea Konstruksi Bali
Location Jl. Umalalang, Cemagi, Bali, Indonesia
Basic Information Consists of 3 types of villas (1LDK, 2LDK & 3LDK)
Coco 113LDK7,675万円525,910USD200m²
Coco 92LDK6,294万円431,270USD172m²
Coco 82LDK5,950万円407,680USD156m²
Coco 2-61LDK3,743万円256,480USD108m²

[110% Guarantee ROI] Coco Villas

(Coco Villas)

Coco Villas Bali
Type Villa
Indonesia エリア バリ
Developer PT Idea Konstruksi Bali
Location Jl. Umalalang, Cemagi, Bali, Indonesia
Basic Information Consists of 3 types of villas (1LDK, 2LDK & 3LDK)
Coco 113LDK7,675万円525,910USD200m²
Coco 92LDK6,294万円431,270USD172m²
Coco 82LDK5,950万円407,680USD156m²
Coco 2-61LDK3,743万円256,480USD108m²

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Superb beach view in Bali!

Property Information


バリ島のThe heart of an enchanting landscapelocated in11棟の豪華なヴィラA special introduction to the "The Coco Villas, Bali" collection, which consists of:

With an area of 108 to 200 square meters, this property uses space luxuriously,allunithas its own parking lot andprivate pool付いてます。スタイル、快適さ、エレガンスが完璧に融合され、まさに贅沢な島の隠れ家をお求めのお客様に最適です。 各ヴィラは、1ベッドルームから3ベッドルームまで、現代の旅行者の嗜好に合うよう配慮された設計になっています。

The developer, PT IDEA KONSTRUKSI BALI, is a dynamic company in the field of real estate and building development.ESAInternationalwas established, specializing in the design of luxury private residences, villas, resorts, hotels, apartments, etc., both domestically and internationally. Another member of the board, Imelda Sala, is a well-known Indonesian investor and developer with impressive developments of many high-profile projects in Bali and Bandung.

COCO VILLASKANVAZ ResortManaged by an experienced team that has worked on Leveraging his extensive experience and excellent hospitality, COCO VILLAS will also provide that outstanding service.

COCO VILLAS is safe even for investors who have little history of overseas real estate investmentBoth “repurchase guarantee” and “yield guarantee”It's attached.6100% of the purchase amount in the second yearin or11110% in the second yearRepurchase agreement guarantee withand until redeemed5% annual net yieldis guaranteed. Moreovera year5-10 nights free accommodationis attached. The method of payment for the property price can also be changed from normal international remittanceBitcoinI can cope until the payment in. YourOptimal projects for overseas asset managementTOMORROW is recommended as one of them.

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