The number of new corona infections exceeded 8,000 every day, and Malaysian Prime Minister Muhyiddin announced a statement on the night of the 28th, announcing that a complete lockdown would be implemented again from June 1st. The period is two weeks until June 14th.
Although the number of new COVID-19 infections decreased temporarily in March, the number of new infections increased rapidly during the Ramadan period as the whole country was in a festive mood, reaching a record high of 8,290 on May 28. was recorded. Recently, the number of seriously ill patients has been on the rise, with around 60 people dying every day.
It was decided at the National Security Commission (NSC) meeting held on the same day. All economic and social activities other than essential economic sectors and services are prohibited during the period. The activity range of all households is 10KM, and the number of people who can go out at the same time is 2.